God’s Word | Chapter 46

7 min readJan 24, 2019

Almighty God says: I don’t know how well people are doing in making My words the basis of their existence. I have always felt anxious for man’s fate, but people don’t seem to have any sense of this — and as a result, they have never paid any heed to My doings, and have never developed any adoration because of My attitude toward man. It is as if they shed emotion long ago to satisfy My heart. Faced with such circumstances, I once more fall silent. Why are My words not worthy of people’s consideration, of further entry? Is it because I “have no reality” and I am trying to find something I can use against people? Why do people always give Me “special treatment”? Am I an invalid who is in his own special ward? Why, when things have reached the point they have today, do people still look at Me differently? Is there a fault in My attitude toward man? Today, I have begun new work above the universes. I have given the people on earth a new beginning, and asked them all to move out from My house.

And because people always like to indulge themselves, I advise them to be self-aware, and to not always disturb My work. In the “guesthouse” that I have opened, nothing inspires My loathing more than man, because people always cause trouble for Me and disappoint Me. Their behavior brings shame upon Me and I have never been able to hold My head high. Thus, I calmly speak with them, asking that they leave My house as soon as possible and stop eating My food for free. If they wish to remain, then they must undergo suffering and endure My chastening. In their minds, I am totally unaware and ignorant of their doings, and thus they have always stood tall before Me, without any sign of falling, merely pretending to be human to make up the numbers. When I make demands of people, they’re astonished: They had never thought that God, who has been good-natured and kind for so many years, could say such words, words that are heartless and unjustified, and so they are speechless. At such times, I see that the hate for Me in people’s hearts has grown once more, because they have again begun the work of complaining. They always accuse earth and imprecate Heaven. Yet in their words, I find nothing that curses themselves because their love of themselves is so great. Thus I sum up the meaning of human life: Because people love themselves too much, their whole lives are anguished and empty, and they suffer self-inflicted destruction throughout because of their hate for Me.

Though there is untold “love” for Me in the words of man, when I take these words to the “laboratory” for testing and observe them under the microscope, all that is contained within them is revealed with utter clarity. At this moment, I come among man once more to let them take a look at their “medical records,” to make them sincerely convinced. When people see them, their faces are filled with sadness, they feel regret in their hearts — and they’re even so anxious that they’re itching to forsake their evil ways and return to the right path in order to make Me happy. Seeing their resolution, I am extremely delighted, I am overcome with joy: “On earth, who but man could share joy and sorrow with Me? Is man not the only one?” Yet when I leave, people tear up their medical records and throw them to the floor before strutting off. In the days since then, I have seen little in people’s actions that is after My own heart. Yet their resolutions before Me have accumulated considerably, and, looking upon their resolutions, I feel disgusted, for in them there is nothing that can be held up for My enjoyment, they are too tainted. Seeing My disregard for their resolution, people grow cold. Afterward, only rarely do they submit an “application” because man’s heart has never been praised before Me and it has only ever been rejected by Me — no longer is there any spiritual support in people’s lives, and so their zeal disappears, and no more do I feel that the weather is “scorching hot.” People suffer much throughout their lives, to the extent that, with the arrival of the situation today, they are so tormented by Me that they hover between life and death; as a result, the light from their faces dims, and they lose their “liveliness,” for they have all “grown up.” I cannot bear to see people’s piteous state when they are refined during chastisement — yet who can remedy man’s miserable circumstances? Who can save man from the miserable human life? Why have people never been able to extricate themselves from the abyss of the sea of affliction? Do I entrap people deliberately? People have never understood My mood, and so I lament to the universe that among all things in heaven and on earth, nothing has ever perceived My heart, nothing truly loves Me. Even today, I still don’t know why people are incapable of loving Me. They can give their hearts to Me, they are able to sacrifice their destiny for Me, but why can’t they give their love to Me? Do they not possess what I ask for? People are able to love everything apart from Me — so why can’t they love Me? Why is their love always hidden? Why, as they have stood before Me up until today, have I never seen their love? Is this something they lack? Am I deliberately making things difficult for people? Do they still have scruples in their hearts? Are they afraid of loving the wrong person, and being unable to remedy themselves? In people there are countless unfathomable mysteries, and thus I am always “timid and afraid” before man.

Today, at the time of advancing toward the gate of the kingdom, all people start forging ahead — but when they arrive before the gate, I close the gate, I shut people outside, and demand that they show their entry passes. Such an odd move is nothing like what people were expecting, and they’re all astonished. Why has the gate — which has always been wide open — suddenly been shut tight today? People stamp their feet and pace about. They imagine that they can wangle their way in, but when they hand Me their false entry passes, I cast them into the pit of fire there and then — and, seeing their own “painstaking efforts” in flames, they lose hope. They clutch their heads, crying, watching the beautiful scenes within the kingdom but unable to enter. Yet I do not let them in because of their piteous state — who may upset My plan as they please? Are the blessings of the future given in exchange for people’s zeal? Does the meaning of human existence lie in entering My kingdom as one pleases? Am I so lowly? If not for My harsh words, would people not have entered the kingdom long ago? Thus, people always hate Me because of all the bother My existence causes them. If I didn’t exist, they would be able to enjoy the blessings of the kingdom during the present day — and what need would there be to endure this suffering? And so I tell people they’d be better off leaving, that they should take advantage of how well things are going in the present to find a way out for themselves; they should take advantage of the present, while they’re still young, to learn some skills. If they don’t, in the future it will be too late. In My house, no one has ever received blessings. I tell people to hurry up and leave, to not stick to living in “poverty”; in the future it will be too late for regrets. Don’t be too hard on yourself; why bother? Yet I also tell people that when they fail to gain blessings, no one may complain about Me. I have no time to waste My words on man. I hope that this sticks in people’s minds, that they don’t forget it — these words are the uncomfortable truth from Me. I have long since lost faith in man, I have long since lost hope in people, for they lack ambition, they have never been able to give Me a heart that loves God, and always give Me their motivations instead. I have said much to man, and since people still ignore My advice today, I tell them of My view to prevent them misunderstanding My heart in the future; whether they live or die in the times to come is their business, I have no control over this. I hope they find their own path to survival, and I am powerless in this. Since man does not truly love Me, we simply part ways; in future, no longer will there be any words between us, no longer will we have anything to talk about, we will not interfere with each other, we will each go our own way, people must not come looking for Me, never again will I ask for man’s help. This is something that’s between us, and we’ve spoken without equivocation to prevent there being any issues in the future. Doesn’t this make things easier? We each go our own way and have nothing to do with each other — what’s wrong with that? I hope people give this some consideration.

May 28, 1992

from Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

Why does the religious world put so much effort into condemning and madly resist Almighty God and The Church of Almighty God?

